Monday, October 09, 2006

Just the Beginning

Today I bought a card that features this quote from Louis L'Amour,

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.
That will be the beginning."

This reminds me of an email I read today from a prospective student who is trying to imagine, in spite of the calling he senses to come to LSTC, how he can uproot from the life he knows and make such a dramatic change. How can he move to Chicago and eventually far beyond this place to who knows where? It seems like a pretty big leap of faith, but as a wise person once said - we leap and the net appears. One ending births a new beginning.

Last night, I realized toward the end of a long car trip that I had forgotten an important item. This meant extending the trip to go back and meet up with the person who could pass on the item. Just when we thought we were almost done, there was more driving to do. And during that extended driving time, I began to remember other details left untended... the new week began in the twilight and gave me clarity about how to start the morning.

If you are facing an ending today, if everything is finished, could it be just the beginning?

On the journey with you,
Pastor Joy

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