Sunday, June 11, 2017

You are not alone… when you are at a crossroads

Psalm 1

Welcome to summer! This summer, worship is going to be a little simpler, and the message will be on the theme “You are not alone.” This theme came from the May issue of Gather magazine. The CLC women use this magazine for their monthly Bible study and in May, the editors did something different from the usual study. Ten different stories were shared by ten different women on ten different themes—and there was so much goodness there that I thought we could use one each week all summer. We’ll pair these reflections with the Psalms.

The Bible is made up of all kinds of different writings—stories, letters, songs, prayers—and the book of Psalms is a prayerbook of the Bible—poem prayers set to music that people have prayed for thousands of years. Rolf Jacobson, who teaches and preaches psalms at Luther Seminary, has said on numerous occasions that you don’t have to work to make a psalm fit your life… just read them, until one resonates with you. So, it may be that this summer, you’d like to explore the psalms more deeply at home as we look at thirteen of them on our summer Sundays. If you need a Bible, there are several out in our Little Library—take one. Take the psalms with you this summer wherever you go.

Today, we start at the beginning with Psalm 1 and with this story—You are not alone… when you are at a crossroads.

The images in Psalm 1 are of two roads (or ways) and a tree. The roads signal the directions you take in life -- and the roads are characterized by who walks on each road and to whom each road belongs. Down one road walk the wicked (those who do not depend on God), sinners (those who rebel against God's will), and the scoffers (those who mock God). This road belongs to those who walk it. This road leads nowhere. Those who take this road end up being non-resilient -- they cannot take suffering. Down the other road walk the righteous (those who depend on God). This other road belongs not to those who walk it, but to God -- who watches over it.
The other picture in Psalm 1 is of a tree. Those who depend on God (the righteous) are like a tree, whose roots are sunk deep into the earth next to an irrigation stream. Because of this, the tree can flourish -- even when the going gets tough. Like this tree, which drinks deeply from streams of water, the righteous drink daily from God's Word. They are resilient, but God watches over the paths they walk.[1]

In the Gather story of being at a crossroads, Anna Madsen told about the moment in her life several months after the accident that killed her husband and gave her son a traumatic brain injury. She was trying to do it all and it was too much. Then, a Jewish colleague said to her that she couldn’t grade or write all those papers or be as present for her children as she yearned to be. Most of all, she couldn’t heal her son. “But, Anna, you can do what you can do.” She prays, “Dear God, when the chaos and grief of life threaten to overcome us, help us to find grace in our finitude, clarity about our capacities, strength for our callings and gratitude for your mercy and love.”

When in your life have you faced crossroads moments? When have you felt the weight of important decisions? When have you noticed that whatever comes after this moment, life will be different?

Graduation      A first job        Marriage         Crossing a border        Becoming a refugee
Divorce            Welcoming a child      Moving to or away from home
Relinquishing a driver’s license          Facing death… our lists could go on and on…

Yesterday, on our first Second Saturday event, a table of people from Christ gathered together with Alganesh Debru and her sister’s family as they celebrated a high school graduation. They invited us to their party in order to get this Second Saturday series of summer meals started, where we’ll gather once a month to hear someone’s story, in order to deepen relationships across differences. Alganesh told us about how when she was 14 years old, she walked for a week, hiding, at night, from her homeland to a refugee camp in Sudan. She lived there nine years until a Lutheran program sponsored her and she has been connected here at Christ ever since. What an incredible story of faith at a crossroads, what incredible resilience.

As we navigate crossroads times, like the writer of Psalm 1, we suspect there are better, more healthy, life-giving choices, and other choices that lead to pain and suffering… that seems to be what the psalmist is praying about in Psalm 1… but if we are in a situation where we have no sense of choice, if we are paralyzed at the crossroads, maybe it’s freeing to know that whichever way we go… God is on that way. There is no place and no direction where God is not present. Whatever we might be suffering, God has not abandoned us.

Maybe you have faced a moment like Anna did—when everything around you came crashing down, when you faced what seemed like an impossible set of choices, when you faced a crossroads and wondered, “Which way do we go?” And maybe you wondered if your roots were deep enough to weather the storm…

That’s when it seems essential to know that we don’t plant ourselves. God plants us. I read a sign this week that said, “You are in the right place at the right time.”
Though you might feel like a small boat on a big wave… there is no place that you can go where God is not with you.

And secondly, it is not our roots alone that give us stability. God has planted us in this place where we can grow together so that no one set of roots has to give all the support. Community is the place where God cultivates intertwined, interwoven roots… and sustains us all from the same life-giving stream.
Psalm 1 makes a promise: People who drink deeply from the psalms will find a sustainable source of spiritual drink. A source that sustains us on the road of life and a source that will never run dry.[2] So, instead of being filled with fear at the crossroads, we can be filled with a sense of anticipation.

Jesus’ last words to followers were these… “I will be with you always…” We are not alone, so we don’t need to fear the crossroads or worry about making the wrong choice. Our fears don’t have to shake us, but like a tree planted by the water, we can stand strong, rooted in the one who sends us confidently forward.

[1] Rolf Jacobson, Psalm 1,
[2] Rolf Jacobson, Psalm 1,

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